Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jacuzzis, doctors, and epidural rant.

Okay, seriously...I am ALL about taking doctors advice. But that is all I view it as. Advice. Doctor's give you the best information they have based on current research. When a new drug/procedure/regiment is introduced to prego women, do you think that they have women volunteering to take it? No. Basically, the reason it gets taken off the market or is deemed unsafe is because of effects that are found AFTER the fact. So, when your doctor tells you Tylenol, Tums, and epidurals are 100% safe for your baby, use your brain and weigh the risks against benefits.

And the jacuzzi thing, seriously? It is completely safe to go in a jacuzzi as long as the temp is low enough and you are in touch with your body. Like any other activity, if you start being uncomfortable (having cramps, etc...), get out or stop doing it. Women don't question the jacuzzi thing or the epidural thing. I am not willing to have that amount of drugs pumped into my body (therefore into the babies body) to be more comfortable. No one said childbirth, or raising children was fun or easy. I can tell you it will be worth it (at least I really hope so or I want a refund!). So next time your doctor gives you advice, take it as such. Advice. And just because you don't have a medical degree does not mean you can't be educated and make educated decisions.

Ahhh...the prego lady rant.


  1. totally agree melissa! i would go into the jacuzzi all the time as long as the temp is low enough it is no big deal. as far as epidurals go, mine with ben didnt kick in until after he was born haha and it wasnt that bad. so dont let them scare you into it. i dont think i am going to get one with the next one.

  2. I agree as well :) As with ALL of pregnancy and child rearing.. people will all have their opinions :) I was in the hot tub a lot and mine came out fine, huge, but fine! ha ha I was all for the epidural though.. he was being cut out however! :) Good luck as you get to the end!

  3. Thanks! I think just like going into the jacuzzi, an epidural is a personal opinion and I'm not judging anyone for getting one! And Marissa-I don't think having a c-section gives you any type of choice regarding an epidural. lol Ouch!

  4. Feel better. We all need to do that once in a while. We were meant to bare children with the way our bodies are. What did women do before these doctors came up with a way to take away the pain and make more money. The pain of cildbirth is taken away the minute you hold that precious child in your arms. After that love takes over.




About Me

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My name is Melissa and I am a stay at home mom of one beautiful little boy. I am also in Grad School, working on my Master's in Early Childhood Education.